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LCS Brain Fog: The cause and the solution
What is Covid-19 related brain fog? One of the most complained symptoms in my practice from a post Covid-19 infected patient is brain fog. But what is brain fog? Why is it the number one complaint after recovery from Covid-19? Perhaps you […]

Covid-19 & Acupuncture: The Research Evidence
Covid-19 & Acupuncture Research Evidence The application of acupuncture is really wide. In many clinical practices, acupuncture is used to treat inflammation in different systems, such as muscle-skeletal, hormonal, and neurological systems. At the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic, acupuncture treatment is used […]

Dysmenorrhea: Painful Menstruation and Your Health
Dysmenorrhea: Painful Menstruation and Your Health It’s estimated that up to 90% of women in reproductive age experience some degree of menstrual pain. About 25% of this population have moderate to severe pain that requires long term management from health care providers. […]